Sunday 3 April
15:30-17:30 Seminar - sponsored by APL, managed by LucyJRobertshaw Diplomat Hotel, Strandvagen, Stockholm
The seminar will be attended by UK delegates and invited guests from the Nordic regions; followed by informal drinks with BioPartner UK from 5:30pm, kindly sponsored by Datatrial. At approx 6:45 we will take a 5-10 minute walk as a group to the conference welcome reception to pick up name badges and meet other delegates. Register here

Monday 4 April
08:30 UK stand (booth 61a) opens for business Home to members of the UK delegation for 3 days, for business card and literature display, the BioPartner and United Life Science team will promote UK expertise to visitors and welcome all UK delegates that need assistance or wish to use the area as an informal meeting point. Make sure you stop by!
11:15 Environment in 2016: Reverse engineering the ecosystem Moderator: Denise Scots-Knight. Level 1, Hall 1, RoomM1/M2
18:00-18:30 Exhibit Hall Reception Champagne Reception, EBD Group at Booth 14
19:00 - 22:30 Evening Reception Stockholm City Hall, Hantverkargatan 1. Enter through Inner Courtyard, 11152 Stockholm (map)
18:00–19:00 Shuttle buses will transport guests to the evening event
21:30–22:30 Shuttle buses will transport guests to conference hotels
Tuesday 5 April
UK Presenting Companies:
C4X Discovery Holdings
Discovery Platform | 09:00, Tuesday, April 5 | Level 0 | Room E8
Topivert Pharma
Autoimmune/Inflammation | 14:45, Tuesday, April 5 | Level 0 | Room E5
17:45-18:45 Exhibit Hall Receptions
ASEBIO at Booth 63A, Health Holland at Booth 60, Pharma Intelligence at Booth 47
19:00 - 22:30 Evening Reception
Karolinska Institutet, Aula Medica, Nobels väg 6, 171 65 Solna
18:00–19:00 Shuttle buses will transport guests to the evening event
21:30–22:30 Shuttle buses will transport guests to conference hotels
Wednesday 5 April 16:30 Closing Reception
Sponsored by next years' host: Biocat
Contact us to add your networking opportunity and for information about visiting delegations from other countries.